Dr. Matt DiDuro shares with us a new technology that is sweeping the nation for reducing pain and inflammation.
Dr. DiDuro brings over 24 years of Clinical experience to his patients, and currently runs two separate offices in Atlanta & Alpharetta. His practice is patient based with a focus on care for diabetics & neuropathic pain. Dr. DiDuro was one of the first chiropractors in New York that was invited to work in a rural medical setting. He was clinic director of chiropractic care at the Rushville Health Center from 2000-2005. His work helped deliver care to migrant workers and patients in remote areas of central New York.
Dr. DiDuro has been privileged to teach at Life University. First, as a clinic doctor, and then as Co-Director of the Rehab department. He also served as advisor to the Chiropractic BioPhysics club, which focused on the ideal spinal model & ergonomics. While at Life University, he served on the HIPPA committee.
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