Dr. Fred Schofield shares a story of a 90 year-old gentleman with severe incapacitating back pain that gets relief using Cox Technic.
Dr. Schofield knows what it is like to suffer from neck and back pain. That is why he has committed his life to serving those in pain. “I was kicked in the back in a rugby game and suffered chronic low back and neck pain for 9 years! My father was a medical doctor and chiropractic was off limits. However, when after 9 years I was still in pain, I was willing to do anything. That is when I went to see a chiropractor for the first time. My pain was gone after the first chiropractic adjustment. It was right then that I decided to become a chiropractor.”
Dr. Schofield is recognized locally in Phoenix, nationally and internationally as a leading authority amongst chiropractic doctors.He is renowned amongst chiropractic doctors for developing the most innovative approaches and specific systems for patient care. Dr. Schofield’s Functional Analysis allows him to accurately find and remove central nervous system interference.
Restoring central nervous system function allows him to achieve incredible and dramatic results with the most difficult, chronic and degenerative cases.
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