Low back pain is a common complaint during pregnancy. Dr. Amelia Pappas, a mother of two has a special interest in obstetrical back pain. In this episode, Dr. Pappas shares with us her success using a unique treatment for a women in her third trimester of pregnancy with back and pelvic pain. Dr. Pappas practices at the Melbourne Spine Clinic and also in Malvern, Australia.
Dr. Pappas began practice at the end of 2009. Her areas of special interest include obstetrical back pain, paediatric care and disc lesion reduction/decompression using flexion-distraction therapy.
In March 2010, she commenced Cox® Technic flexion-distraction certification and became fully certified in November 2012. Dr. Pappas has a special interest in educating patients to manage and relieve neck and back pain and runs stretch class and back classes.
Dr. Pappas is currently on maternity leave with her second baby. Becoming a mother of 2 has enhanced her interest in pre and post-natal spinal pain and motivated further research into the application of Cox® Technic flexion- distraction therapy to treat these conditions.
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